دسته‌ها واژه‌های ۱۱۰۰ هفته سی و هفت ۱۱۰۰
5 از 2 امتیاز




(of problems or a difficult situation) to appear and need to be dealt with by somebody, to deal with a problem or difficult situation

مواجه شدن، رو به رو شدن

to face somebody so that they cannot avoid seeing and hearing you, especially in an unfriendly or dangerous situation

جلو (کسی) ایستادن، مقابله کردن، جلو کسی در آمدن

to make somebody face or deal with an unpleasant or difficult person or situation

رو در رو شدن (با)، رو برو کردن (با)، مواجه کردن (با)


tackle, deal with, cope with, brave, beard, face up to, meet head-on, trouble, afflict, perplex, perturb, bedevil, challenge, face, oppose, tackle, encounter, defy, call out, stand up to, come face to face with, accost, face off


challenge, flee, dodge, evade, sidestep, circumvent, body-swerve, give a wide berth to, keep or steer clear of


They confronted the accused with his accusers.

متهم را با متهم کنندگان او روبرو کردند.

He confronted his opponent in every stage of the campaign.

در تمام مراحل مبارزه جلو حریف خود ایستاد.

The demonstrators found themselves confronted by a line of police, blocking the road.

تظاهرکنندگان با صفی از پلیس مواجه شدند که مسیر را مسدود کرده بودند.

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