behavior that is confident and very rude, without any feeling of shame
پررویی، گستاخی، وقاحت، بی شرمی
insolence, nerve, arrogance, presumption, face, front, neck, cheek, assurance, brass, gall, disrespect, audacity, boldness, rudeness, temerity, chutzpah, impertinence, impudence, brashness, brass neck, shamelessness, incivility, cheekiness, brazenness
He had the effrontery to accuse me of lying!
او آنقدر وقیح بود که مرا به دروغگویی متهم کند!
How can he have had the effrontery to say " Piss off! " to you?
چطور ممکن است او آنقدر بی شرم و وقیح بوده باشد که به شما بگوید "گم شو"؟
I can't believe he had the effrontery to contradict the professor on such a simple point.
من نمی توانم باور کنم که او آنقدر گستاخ بود که با استاد در مورد یک نکته ساده مخالفت کند.
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