دسته‌ها واژه‌های ۱۱۰۰ هفته بیست و هفت ۱۱۰۰
5 از 1 امتیاز




the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people; the quality of being humble

فروتنی، افتادگی، تواضع، خضوع، خشوع، شکسته نفسی، ذلت


shyness, abasement, bashfulness, demureness, diffidence, docility, lowliness, meekness, mortification, nonresistance, obedience, obsequiousness, passiveness, reserve, resignation, self-abasement, self-abnegation, servility, sheepishness, subjection, submissiveness, subservience, timidity, timorousness, unobtrusiveness, unpretentiousness, fawning


boldness, confidence, arrogance, assertiveness, egoism, pretentiousness, pride, self-importance


He had enough humility to apologize.

او آنقدر فروتنی داشت که پوزش بخواهد.

Humility often gains more than pride.

اغلب فایده تواضع و فروتنی، بیش از غرور است.

Humility, when combined with knowledge and power, is very attractive.

فروتنی وقتی که با دانش و قدرت همراه باشد بسیار زیبنده است.

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