دسته‌ها واژه‌های ۵۰۴ درس سی و سه ۵۰۴
5 از 1 امتیاز




speech or planned talk OR a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject, often as part of a university or college course

سخنرانی‌ یا نطق‌ برنامه‌ ریزی شده، (در کلاس یا جلسه‌ی خطابه) سخنرانی علمی، گفتاره، خطابه

a scolding OR a long, angry talk that somebody gives to one person or a group of people because they have done something wrong

سرزنش‌، نکوهش طولانی، انتقاد طولانی


talk, address, speech, lesson, instruction, presentation, discourse, sermon, exposition, harangue, oration, disquisition, telling-off, rebuke, reprimand, talking-to, heat, going-over, wigging, censure, scolding, chiding, dressing-down, reproof, castigation


Rarely have l heard a lecture with such clear illustrations.

بندرت یک‌ سخنرانی‌ را با چنین‌ توضیحات واضحی‌ شنیده ام.

A famous journalist delivered a lecture on prejudice in the press.

یک‌ روزنامه‌ نگار معروف در مورد تبعیض‌ در مطبوعات سخنرانی‌ کرد.

His lecture lasted three hours.

سخنرانی او سه ساعت طول کشید.




to give a talk or a series of talks to a group of people on a subject, especially as a way of teaching in a university or college

سخنرانی علمی کردن، خطابه ایراد کردن

to scold OR to criticize somebody or tell them how you think they should behave, especially when it is done in an annoying way

سرزنش‌ کردن، نصیحت کردن، انتقاد طولانی کردن


talk, speak, teach, address, discourse, spout, expound, harangue, give a talk, hold forth, expatiate, tell off, berate, scold, reprimand, carpet, censure, castigate, chide, admonish, tear into, read the riot act, reprove, bawl out, chew out, tear (someone) off a strip, give a rocket, give someone a talking-to, give someone a dressing-down, give someone a telling-off


Henry’s father lectured him on the awesome perils of drug addiction.

پدر «هنری» در مورد خطرات وحشتناک اعتیاد به‌ مواد مخدر برای او موعظه‌ کرد.

He lectured on philosophy.

او درباره‌ی فلسفه سخنرانی کرد.

She lectures in Russian literature.

او درباره ادبیات روسی سخنرانی می کند.

He lectures on Islamic history at "Birkbeck College".

او در کالج بیرکبک درباره تاریخ اسلام سخنرانی می کند.

He has taught and lectured at the University of Pretoria.

او در دانشگاه پرتوریا تدریس و سخنرانی کرده است.

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