the highest point of something, especially the top of a mountain
قله، چکاد، شخ، نوک، اوج (اوگ)، ذروه، تارک، سر، ستیغ
an official meeting or series of meetings between the leaders of two or more governments at which they discuss important matters
وابسته به سران دولتها، - سران
meeting, talks, conference, discussion, negotiation, dialogue, peak, top, tip, pinnacle, apex, head, crown, crest, height, pinnacle, culmination, high point, zenith, acme, crowning point
base, foot, bottom, depths, nadir, lowest point
We estimated the summit of the mountain to be twenty thousand feet.
ما قلهی کوه را بیست هزار پا تخمین زدیم.
Do not underestimate Ruth’s ambition to reach the summit of the acting profession.
آرزوهای «روث» را برای رسیدن به اوج حرفه بازیگری دست کم نگیر.
The summit meeting of world leaders diminished the threat of war.
اجلاس سران رهبران جهان، تهدید جنگ را کاهش داد.
A summit meeting
ملاقات سران
The summit of a wave
تارک موج
The summit of a mountain
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