دسته‌ها واژه‌های ۵۰۴ درس سی و شش ۵۰۴
5 از 1 امتیاز




kind to somebody who is hurt or sad; showing that you understand and care about their problems

دارای حس همدردی، همدل، همنوا، همدرد، دلسوز

showing that you approve of somebody/something or that you share their views and are willing to support them

دارای نظر موافق، همفکر، یکدل، همساز، موافق، همرای

(of a person) easy to like

(شخص یا رفتار) خوشایند، تودل برو، مهرانگیز، مهربان، گیرا


caring, kind, understanding, concerned, feeling, interested, kindly, warm, tender, pitying, supportive, responsive, affectionate, compassionate, commiserating, warm-hearted, condoling, encouraging, pro, approving of, friendly to, in sympathy with, well-disposed towards, favourably disposed towards, like-minded, compatible, agreeable, friendly, responsive, appreciative, congenial, companionable, well-intentioned


indifferent, insensitive, callous, unsympathetic, cold, steely, unmoved, disinterested, uncaring, uninterested, apathetic, inhumane, unfeeling, cold-hearted, uncompassionate, unresponsive, uncongenial


Judge Cruz was sympathetic to the lawyer’s plea for mercy.

قاضی‌ «کروز» با در خواست‌ وکیل‌ برای عفو موافق‌ بود.

Father was fortunately sympathetic to my request to use the car on weekends.

خوشبختانه‌ پدر با درخواستم‌ برای استفاده از اتومبیل‌ در آخر هفته‌ها موافق‌ بود.

We were all sympathetic to Suzanne over her recent misfortune.

همه‌ی ما با «سوزان» بخاطر بدشانسی‌ اخیرش همدردی نمودیم‌.

He was sympathetic toward the refugees.

او نسبت به پناهندگان دلسوزی داشت.

We are sympathetic to the workers' demands.

ما با خواسته‌های کارگران موافقیم.

His father sounds like a very sympathetic character.

به نظر می‌رسد که پدرش آدم بسیار مهربانی است.

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