دسته‌ها واژه‌های ۱۱۰۰ هفته چهل ۱۱۰۰
5 از 1 امتیاز




offense; annoyance; displeasure: (formal or humorous) to feel offended, hurt or upset by something, often without a good reason

رنجش، آزردگی، دلخوری، اهانت آمیز دانستن چیزی، رنجیدن، دیگر شدن، به کسی برخوردن


dudgeon, huff, miff, offense, pique, resentment, ruffled feathers, penumbra, shade, shadow, umbra, take offence, be hurt, be angry, be offended, be upset, be wounded, be put out, be annoyed, bridle, be insulted, take exception, be miffed, be indignant, be resentful, be disgruntled, be aggrieved, be affronted, get the hump, be piqued, be riled, get huffy, go in a huff, take something personally, have your nose put out of joint, take something amiss, get your hackles up


He took umbrage at her remarks.

از اظهارات او رنجید.

He took umbrage at the implication that he was too old for the job.

او از این برداشت که برای این کار خیلی پیر است، دلخور شد.

I invited her because I was afraid of giving umbrage.

من از او دعوت کردم چرا که ترسیدم موجب رنجش او شوم.

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